Christopher Columbus

Manuscriptum sp.z o.o. implements a project co-financed from European Funds
Manuscriptum. Go to Arabia



+48 22 299 50 09


Manuscriptum Ltd.

Domaniewska 37 Str., 02-672 Warsaw, Poland

National Court Register (KRS): 0000654355, REGON: 366001390

Tax identification number 5252687051

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Discovery of the New World

6 600 EUR

Facsimile set

  1. Columbus Logbook in jewelry bindings, adorned with 8 Colombian Copals and 1 Larimar Stone. Bindings in goat leather with original gold hand-stamping. Fascimile technology: paper sculpturing, manual aging. 
  2. Columbus Letter to Spanish Monarchs Ferdinand and Isabella of Catalonia, binded in goat leather and hand colored paper, adorned with the original coat of arms. Full manual process of facsimile preparation and binding.
  3. Columbusโ€™ Mappa Mundi. Double sided, prepared on pergamenata, hand cut and aged manually.
  4. Juan de la Cosa World Map. Prepared on pergamenata, hand cut and aged manually. As original bound in aged calfskin.

Accessories:   Exclusive wooden and glass chest, dedicated leather tube, commentary book, gloves, hand-numbered notary certificate.
Edition:  Limited to 399.

16 March 2023

The 7 Wonders collection